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라이프 로그269

물침대 몰카 웃어보자! 2005. 11. 2.
The right tool for the job ? Lycos.co.uk에 올라온 재미있는 사진입니다.역쉬 제대로 된 도구를 써야...^_^ On a Saturday night last month, a car rolled off of the pier in Roundstone, Co Galway Ireland and into the water. Amazing what you catch if the hook and rod is big enough Walsh뭩 Recovery was called to extract the car from the harbour. Up she comes or....Maybe.... Now was the crane too small or was it badly set up or both? I guess the operator was.. 2004. 12. 5.
I've just come back from Japan I went to Japan on my holiday for 3 days.I started from Seoul at night and I arrived in Tokyo early in the morning(7.30 am). Now Tokyo is hot and humid as like Seoul but the air is much freshier than Seoul.It's very interesting, fascinating and wonderous city.Tokyo is similar to Seoul but many things are different. I had a great time with my Japanese friends who met in England for the first time.. 2004. 8. 15.
A letter form England... Today when I got home, there was a letter from England.I was very curious...who sent this letter? my host family? my friend? That letter was from my close host family.Actually, they were one Korean student's host family but I often visited their house and they served many food every time. I sent them a small gift before, so they replied me about that.Anyway, it's one of pleasures on my boring li.. 2004. 6. 9.
A post card from England. This is a post card which was sent by my host family from England. (York Minster)It looks so good, doesn' it?They had a holiday for a few days in York. English people like holiday very much...--;;If they have some money or time, they'll have a holiday. Anyway, my host mother rarely replies my email, but this time they sent this card... ^^ I want to go York~~ -_- 2004. 4. 7.